For the dog lovers in the world here is a cute video about a women who was rescued by her Yorkie. It seems the dog's owner was in her backyard when she was bitten on the heel by a snake. When the little Yorkie sensed the danger it leaped to the owner's defense. Multiple bites later, bites to both the dog and snake, the owner was safe and the snake was dead. Unfortunately the little dog was ill.
Snake bites to the face in dogs are not unusual. The risk is the tremendous amount of swelling that can develop. Swelling that may eventually close off the dog's airway. Dogs can be readily treated with steroids or is severe cases, antivenin. Outcomes, as in this case, are nearly always positive.
One thing to remember. When bitten by a snake it is NOT important to bring the snake to the ED. Just tell the nurse you were bitten by a snake. The ED staff will take care of the rest. It is in attempting to corral or kill the snake that others get bitten. Sometimes it is even a cute little Yorkie.